Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July...Lithuanian style

                                                                           There were no parades, no fireworks and no flag waving. In fact, it's been awhile, almost nine years since we celebrated this day in the States. We received our class lists today and eveyone has come to our room for pronunciation lessions. Jude has Greta, Michal, Giedre, Tomas, Lyubov, Dovydas, Malgorzata, Juozas, Leta, Piotr, Rasa, Sofya, Fausta, Ingrida, and Sergei to name a few. Altogether, I have 72 students. I'm not going to even try the last names. We're only here for a month. Last night we went to an outdoor concert [see picture]. They played many familiar songs, lasting about 45 minutes. The city has free concerts on Saturday evenings. You can tell how light it still is at 9:15 pm when the concert ended. Sunday, we went to Palanga with two new firends Ted and Corrie from Toronto but of Dutch origin. We also went with Laura Enns from Vancouver. After walking to the bus station, we jumped into a minibus and drove to Palanga, a resort city about 20 k from Klaipeda. During Soviet times, this city was a destination for the Kremlin crowd for a beach side resort.  They still use the airport for international flights.  I forgot how hot those rides were--no air, no windows open--just bodies. From the boardwalk, I took the picture of the beach at the left. Yes, there were lots of people. Some here said it was the real first day of summer in the city. So, I guess you could say, we did have our crowds on July 4th.

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